
Гледайте постановката "Хамлет или три момчета и едно момиче":

"Shakespeare - contemporary and cruel" - this is what the most eminent English playwright is to his most contemporary and most cruel interpreter - professor Jan Kott. And if he succeeds in stripping all the other Shakespearean heroes out of their skin and showing us their meat - naked, their blood - running, now in "Hamlet" his surgical intervention is even more cardinal. Trepanation opens the notorious Shakespearean skull and denudes Hamlet's brain and we see this, I would like to call it, chaos of thoughts, "Tempest" of thoughts which has been raging for centuries. Jan Kott does not exhibit the question "What is Hamlet", but "How you become Hamlet", "What is the Hamlet thing in Hamlet?", "What is that which makes hamlets from ones and non-hamlets from others?" and in an exceptionally vivid and readable scenic reading. "Three Boys and One Girl" is the cruel line by Shakespeare formulated by Jan Kott and thrown as a glove in the face of our cruel "today", cruel scenic vision of the murder not of Hamlet but of "the Hamlet gene" - so that he disappears forever and never torments the human mankind again. How close we are to the Holy Scripture and to the story about Christ and king Irod. Only the names are different...


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